Profhilo Skin Boosters


Prophilo is an injectable skin booster, that gives your skin a glowing and natural appearance as well as ultimate hydration.  Profhilo will improve your skin tone and restore the elasticity of sagging and ageing skin, this gives the skin a tighter and smoother texture within weeks.


Profhilo skin boosters are pure hyaluronic with no additives, in fact it is one of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid available on the market (64mg/2ml).  This helps to encourage the production of collagen and elastin across the skin,remodelling the ageing and sagging tissue.


Profhilo consists of 5 specially chosen anatomical injection sites on each side of the face, this is injected slowly directly into the dermis area reducing dramatically any feelings of uncomfortableness, the profhilo then spreads over a wide surface are within your tissue.







It is recommended that you have 2 treatments, 4 weeks apart from each other, thereafter you can have a maintenance treatment at 6 months. Visible results may already be seen after the first treatment with improved skin hydrationand a glow.  After the second treatment you will gradually see improvement to skin texture and tone.  Optimal results are visible within 6-8 weeks after the second treatment.






All injections are carried out by a registered medically qualified practitioner.

How to book

Feeling Fabulous

60 Sherlock Road



Use our contact form or simply call us on:


Tel: 07375556289

By Appointment Only


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